Salima Faiza - we will discuss again the next 4 tips on how to prevent prostate cancer in men. Based on sources which we have acquired 4 tips to prevent prostate cancer, including:
Nutrients called isoflavones may decrease the risk of prostate cancer. Isoflavones can you find in tofu (made from soybeans), peanuts, nuts and beans. In addition, men who consumed green tea or taking a supplement derived from green tea have a risk of developing prostate cancer is lower than those who do not consume green tea.
A study showed no relationship between animal fats with an increased risk of prostate cancer. In addition to meat, animal fats are also found in fat on pork, butter, and cheese. So, if you want to avoid prostate cancer is recommended for replacing animal fats with vegetable fat. For example, olive oil can you use to substitute butter, candy can you replace with fruit, potato chips can also be replaced with fresh vegetables (salads), and cheese on a salad You can be replaced with beans or grains.
Stop Smoking
Actually quit smoking not only to avoid being affected by prostate cancer. Some diseases also require you to stop smoking. So, a lot to lose if you keep smoking. Studies conducted at the University of California, San Francisco and Harvard School of Public Health, showed that the prostate cancer patients still smoke have a greater risk of experiencing a relapse frequently, even death. If you are still exposed to smoke and prostate cancer, the cancer cells will become more aggressive. Before it's too late and resulted in the death of then you are advised to immediately stop smoking.
While it is healthy, exercise is very important for the body. Sports we mean is to prevent fat deposits in the body because it could lead to an increased risk of prostate cancer. Regular exercise can help you maintain your weight and maintaining health. You can do the running, cycling, or swimming.
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