The latest information about health from Salima Faiza

30 May 2014

3 Tips to prevent prostate cancer

Salima Faiza - Prostate cancer is cancer that forms in the glands of male reproductive apparatus. The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive tool located under the bladder that is located in front of the rectum. Most prostate cancers occur in men who have aged. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), prostate cancer is the cancer with the number of cases most often number 2, which happened to the men in the United States. Some of the following things can be done to prevent the occurrence of prostate cancer. Among these 3 Tips to prevent prostate cancer:

3 Tips to prevent prostate cancer
3 Tips to prevent prostate cancer.

Tomato and some red food

Some of the foods that can prevent the occurrence of prostate cancer are tomatoes and some other Red foods, such as watermelon. It is because of the bright red color of these foods contain antioxidants called strong lycopene. A study showed that a man who consumes tomatoes, including the tomato sauce had a lower risk of prostate cancer than those who do not.

Fruit and vegetables

Nutrients and vitamins found in fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of developing prostate cancer. In addition, green vegetables also contain compounds that help the body to prevent the onset of cancer cells.


Fish is one of the foods that are recommended to avoid prostate cancer. The fatty acids contained in fish, known as omega-3 may help reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. The content of Omega-3 is found in sardines, salmon and tuna. Inresearch conducted in American universities, low-fat diet combined with fish oil supplements will slow the growth of prostate cancer cells.

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