The latest information about health from Salima Faiza

07 May 2014

Overcoming the pain of cavities

Salima Faiza - Lovers of sweet foods ? Rather spend the night with coffee drinking milk ? Be careful, your dental health is threatened, Ladies. Teeth are part of the mouth that served to tear and chew food. Teeth also have a protective structure that helps prevent dental cavities, called the enamel. Some foods such as chocolate, coffee, milk and a variety of other foods, can be porous enamel. This will make our teeth cavities, Ladies.
Many kinds of ways you can do to prevent cavities, among them reducing the consumption of food or beverages can damage the teeth to protect email email dental products and dental care. However, there are also natural ways that can be done to treat the pain when a toothache strikes will Salima Faiza for for Ladies.

Overcoming the pain of cavities
1. Ice Cubes
The first way to eliminate pain during Ladies cavities can be done by using ice cubes. But, not to be consumed, Ladies. Ice cubes here used to dampen the pain in the tooth nerves. The trick? Take a small lump of ice cubes and place it between your index finger and thumb. Massage gently for 15-20 minutes. Slowly, the pain will begin to disappear.
Soothing massage you do with the ice will affect neural cells that are found in some time under the thumb and forefinger. It can relieve pain or pain that occurs on your teeth because of the effects of massage will go directly to the central nervous and spread to the nerve cells of your teeth are sore. How is clearly more secure rather than you consume pain killer or sedative.

2. Garlic
It is a traditional and natural way that has been done for our ancestor's past. Only with a clove of garlic, the pain you feel can gradually recover. How do I? Finely chop the garlic and give a little salt. Then, chew the garlic in the hollow area of your teeth. Chew until you feel the pain gradually disappeared. Then gargle with warm water mixed with salt.
This is a powerful way to get rid of pain. This is because the garlic enzyme is capable of killing bacteria and germs on your teeth. This way, other natural and easy, also can strengthen the bone structure of your teeth. So, in addition to pain disappears, your teeth louder right?

3. Lime
Who would have thought the acid that was used to balance the taste of these foods can also be used to relieve pain in toothache? Beside rich in vitamin C, lemon juice is also efficacious as a pain reliever. Steps that must be done is also quite easy, just squeeze the lime juice to taste. Then, pour into the area of perforated teeth little by little every 10 minutes. Do it continuously until the pain decreases.
Well, that was three natural ingredients that you can use to relieve pain during dental pain due to attack hollow. Good luck and get well, yes you can do it !

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